24 January 2013

the past few weeks have been:

5 days with three sassy, brilliant, little girls, kite flying, a week of not being able to breathe through my nose, parenthood marathons, a baby that's growing and starting to show a bit on the outside (more on that later), cabin fever & cursing the cold, and homemade applesauce.

I didn't intentionally abandon this space for almost the entire month (how is that possible?), but between feeling under the weather & the actual weather, I haven't been up to much. I am kind of just waiting for january to end. that sounds dramatic, but you see, february will bring so much good. the second trimester, love day, our second anniversary, and the possibility of finding out if the little one inside of me is a daughter or a son.

before I leave, I want to leave you with the easiest, and my favorite, recipe for applesauce.


it makes your home smell amazing when cooking, and I guarantee you will love it! 

hope you are all doing well, friends! N


  1. I love apple sauce, I've never thought of making my own though. I hope you have a better Feburary :)

    XO Charlene Zale

  2. I am totes making this applesauce for my little, thanks for sharing!

  3. looks great! now i know what i'll be doing tomorrow :)
